Branch Office : Jl. Raya A.YANI, Griya Permata Gedangan No.C1-22 Surabaya
Telepon: 031 855 3559
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e-mail: vijar.indosurta@gmail.com
Sales : Vijar R Sujaswara, ST
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081 323 770 626 (sIMPATI)
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PIN : 7F910584
Branch Office : Jl. Raya A.YANI, Griya Permata Gedangan No.C1-22 Surabaya
Telepon: 031 855 3559
Fax : 031 855 3551
e-mail: vijar.indosurta@gmail.com
Sales : Vijar R Sujaswara, ST
Hot Line :
081 323 770 626 (sIMPATI)
085 939 142 000 (xl)
PIN : 7F910584
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Total Station Sokkia CX-103 INDOSURTA SURABAYA
Total Station Sokkia CX-103
An industry first! New function to protect your investment.
RED-tech Technology Reflectorless EDM
• Fast distance measurement of 0.9s regardless of object.
• SOKKIA traditional pinpoint precision in reflectorless distance measurement.
• Reflectorless operation from 30cm to 500m.
• Coaxial EDM beam and laser-pointer provide fast and accurate aiming.
• Ensures accuracy even with reflective sheets.
LongLink Data Communication*
• The CX series of total stations features Bluetooth® Class1 wireless technology? for reliable data communications.
• All CX data is instantly available at the Bluetooth-equipped controller.
*Offered as an option in some areas.
Advanced Angle Measurement System
• CX features SOKKIA's original absolute encoders that provide long-term reliability in any job site condition. Dual-axis compensator ensures stable measurements even when setup on uneven terrain.
• Sokkia’s traditional motion clamp and tangent screw are employed to ensure stable angle measurement.
• CX101 and CX102 feature groundbreaking IACS (Independent Angle Calibration System) technology for extremely reliable angle measurement.
The Longest Battery Life - 36 Hours!
• The CX single battery can last up to 36 hours.*2
• Greatly reduces likelihood of low power during any full-days work.
• Eliminates the need for nightly recharging or carrying extra batteries.
*1 As of December, 2011.
*2 Operating time will vary depending upon environmental conditions and CX activity.
Waterproof, Rugged, and Operator Friendly
• IP66 dustproof / waterproof rating.
• Metal chassis and heavy duty handle add ruggedness.
• Standard usage temperature range-20°to +50°C. Low temperature models can be used as low as -30°
and high temperature models up to +60°C.
• USB TypeA port for convenient added memory. Use of included USB accessory assures IP66 protection.
• One-touch star key [? ] offers instant access to functions.
• Conveniently located “trigger” key lets you take a series of measurements with the push of a button without taking your eye off the telescope.
• Control panel features large 10-key pad with LCD that provides optimum viewing and convenience.
• Green/red telescope guide light enhances work efficiency in a range up to 150m.
• Built-in laser plummet with five brightness levels is equipped for quick instrument setting in all lighting conditions.

lokasi kami
- 2 x Aluminium Tripod
- 1 x Prisma Polygon
- 1 x Range Pole
- 1 x Single Prism
- 1 x Cable Data
- 1 x Software Data
Jawa Timur 081323770626 \ 085939142000 Bangkalan | Banyuwangi | Blitar | Bojonegoro | Bondowoso |Gresik |Jember |
Jombang | Kediri | Lamongan |Lumajang | Madiun | Magetan | Malang | Mojokerto |
Nganjuk | Ngawi | Pacitan | Pamekasan | Pasuruan |Ponorogo | Probolinggo | Sampang
| Sidoarjo | Sumenep | Trenggalek | Tuban | Tulungagung | Batu | Blitar | Kediri
| Madiun | Malang | Mojokerto | Pasuruan | Probolinggo | Surabaya
Maluku dan Papua 081323770626 | 085939142000 | Buru| Buru Selatan | Kepulauan Aru | MalukuBarat Daya | Maluku Tengah | Maluku Tenggara | Maluku Tenggara Barat | SeramBagian Timur | Kota Ambon | Kota Tual | Halmahera Barat | HalmaheraTengah | Halmahera Utara | Halmahera Selatan | Kepulauan Sula | Halmahera Timur | Pulau Morotai | Kota Ternate | KotaTidore Kepulauan | Asmat | Biak Numfor | Boven Digoel | Deiyai | Dogiyai | Intan Jaya | Jayapura | Jayawijaya | Keerom | KepulauanYapen | Lanny Jaya | Mamberamo Raya | Mamberamo Tengah | Mappi | Merauke | Mimika |Nabire |Nduga |Paniai |Pegunungan Bintang | Puncak | Puncak Jaya | Sarmi | Supiori | Tolikara | Waropen | Yahukimo | Yalimo | Jayapura | Fakfak | Kaimana | Manokwari | Maybrat | Raja Ampat | Sorong | Sorong Selatan |Tambrauw | TelukBintuni | Teluk Wondama | Kota Sorong
An industry first! New function to protect your investment.
• Fast distance measurement of 0.9s regardless of object.
• SOKKIA traditional pinpoint precision in reflectorless distance measurement.
• Reflectorless operation from 30cm to 500m.
• Coaxial EDM beam and laser-pointer provide fast and accurate aiming.
• Ensures accuracy even with reflective sheets.
LongLink Data Communication*
• The CX series of total stations features Bluetooth® Class1 wireless technology? for reliable data communications.
• All CX data is instantly available at the Bluetooth-equipped controller.
*Offered as an option in some areas.
• CX features SOKKIA's original absolute encoders that provide long-term reliability in any job site condition. Dual-axis compensator ensures stable measurements even when setup on uneven terrain.
• Sokkia’s traditional motion clamp and tangent screw are employed to ensure stable angle measurement.
• CX101 and CX102 feature groundbreaking IACS (Independent Angle Calibration System) technology for extremely reliable angle measurement.
• The CX single battery can last up to 36 hours.*2
• Greatly reduces likelihood of low power during any full-days work.
• Eliminates the need for nightly recharging or carrying extra batteries.
*1 As of December, 2011.
*2 Operating time will vary depending upon environmental conditions and CX activity.
• Built-in laser plummet with five brightness levels is equipped for quick instrument setting in all lighting conditions.
![]() |
lokasi kami |
- 2 x Aluminium Tripod
- 1 x Prisma Polygon
- 1 x Range Pole
- 1 x Single Prism
- 1 x Cable Data
- 1 x Software Data
Jawa Timur 081323770626 \ 085939142000 Bangkalan | Banyuwangi | Blitar | Bojonegoro | Bondowoso |Gresik |Jember | Jombang | Kediri | Lamongan |Lumajang | Madiun | Magetan | Malang | Mojokerto | Nganjuk | Ngawi | Pacitan | Pamekasan | Pasuruan |Ponorogo | Probolinggo | Sampang | Sidoarjo | Sumenep | Trenggalek | Tuban | Tulungagung | Batu | Blitar | Kediri | Madiun | Malang | Mojokerto | Pasuruan | Probolinggo | Surabaya
Maluku dan Papua 081323770626 | 085939142000 | Buru| Buru Selatan | Kepulauan Aru | MalukuBarat Daya | Maluku Tengah | Maluku Tenggara | Maluku Tenggara Barat | SeramBagian Timur | Kota Ambon | Kota Tual | Halmahera Barat | HalmaheraTengah | Halmahera Utara | Halmahera Selatan | Kepulauan Sula | Halmahera Timur | Pulau Morotai | Kota Ternate | KotaTidore Kepulauan | Asmat | Biak Numfor | Boven Digoel | Deiyai | Dogiyai | Intan Jaya | Jayapura | Jayawijaya | Keerom | KepulauanYapen | Lanny Jaya | Mamberamo Raya | Mamberamo Tengah | Mappi | Merauke | Mimika |Nabire |Nduga |Paniai |Pegunungan Bintang | Puncak | Puncak Jaya | Sarmi | Supiori | Tolikara | Waropen | Yahukimo | Yalimo | Jayapura | Fakfak | Kaimana | Manokwari | Maybrat | Raja Ampat | Sorong | Sorong Selatan |Tambrauw | TelukBintuni | Teluk Wondama | Kota Sorong
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